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Internet Resources

We have collected some of the webs finest sites and compiled them into our internet resources page. We hope you find these sites to be of great value and encourage you to visit them!


Energy Conservation
Find tips on how to save on energy, like shopping around for the cheapest supplier of electricity, renewable energy, etc.

Energy Star
Energy Star is a government-backed program helping businesses and individuals protect the environment through superior energy efficiency. Learn more about this program and other energy effiecient products and energy conservation tips.

Home Appliances
We provide reviews and information on the best kithcen and home appliances such as humidifiers, coffee machines, vacuum cleaners, and more.

Tutoring and Homeschooling
Choosing a home tutor for your child is a very important aspect in the child's school life. We provide you with some guidelines you should follow, or at least take into consideration, when looking for a home tutor.

Air Conditioners and Heating Systems
There is a range of different air conditioners and heating systems to suit all kinds of homes. If you are considering buying a heating system or air conditioner, visit our site to learn more about the different types and ways to save on energy.

Insurance Guide
Can you find cheap insurance? Yes. You can not only spend less on all types of insurance, but you can get more of the coverages you need for less. Here are a few insider secrets to help you out.

Post Secondary Education
Post-secondary education, such as College or University can be a difficult transition or expensive for many. Find tips on how to apply for student loans, how to save up for college, how to prepare for university life, and many more.

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