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The Secret to Making Money by Writing Effective Articles

For those of us with web pages and blogs, we know how important writing articles can be to acquiring traffic. Traffic equals money and writing effective articles can bring you a good amount of traffic. Unfortunately not a lot of us know how to write an effective article and where to submit it once we do.

For new website owners, this article may provide the most important information you'll ever read! The first thing you need to do is take action. What I mean by that is you have to decide if you are going to write it or if you are going to hire someone else to write it for you. There are many people who charge under five dollars to 'ghost write' them for you. I really suggest you take the liberty and do it yourself. It will save you a lot of money and you'll only get better with your writing skills. Who knows, maybe someday you'll get good enough to write for others.

Okay, so you've decided to give it a go and you're wondering how to start. Well, how about a catchy title. Titles should catch your readers attention. Do this by creating curiosity, asking a question, shocking your reader, or make a promise. Start with 'How to' or '5 Steps to' or 'The Real Secret to'. You catch my drift? Your article must provide your reader with quality content.

You don't want to just slop something together and have your reader quit half way through. Be organized and make yourself an outline with your intro, four to five main body points, and a conclusion. In your intro, let your reader know what you are trying to solve with your writing. Provide a problem and then a solution to that problem in a preview format.

Make them want to read on. Your body is where you want to expand on the four or five points you outlined. Keep it semi-brief with each point consisting of four or five sentences. Remember, you're writing an article, not a book. The conclusion in an effective article should also consist of about four or five sentences.

Let it sum up what you just went over in the article. Touch on a couple of points that the article didn't cover. Give advice on how they can get more info. Once you have written an effective article you have to know who to submit it to.

There are two methods to doing this. Manually and automatic. Submitting your article manually can cause somewhat of a headache, but will cost you nothing. There are thousands of article directories and ezines you can find all over the internet. If you are writing two articles a week(optimal), submitting to just a few may occupy a lot of your time.

I suggest finding an article submission service that allows you to submit your articles to hundreds or thousands of directories and ezines with just a click of a button. There are software programs and online services that allow you to do just that. The prices for these services are relatively cheap considering the amount of time they will save you. Now you know how to write an effective article by piquing your readers interest, providing fresh real quality content with a short but informative body, and a conclusion that leaves your readers wanting more.

You also know your choices when you are ready to submit your articles. I should also point out that an effective article should include keywords that can be picked up by search engines. Aim for a one to three percent density of keywords throughout your article.

And if you really want tons of free traffic for life, use a service that allows you to leverage your articles. Now get to writing!.

See what article distribution service I used to increase traffic to my website by over 1000%! I tested the service and logged the results on my Blog. Sign up for my Free Newsletter and receive 3 E Books at no cost!

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